Exterior Building Cleaning Chicago
Are you in need of exterior building cleaning Chicago? Here are a couple indications that you may be ready now. Is your building looking a little dull? Does your building have mildew in the tuck pointing or mold on the North Side? Are your limestone sills dark, or do they have lead streaks on them? In fact, these are indicators telling you it is time to perform exterior building cleaning Chicago.
Rarely, is there a building’s exterior not going to need this service from time to time. In truth, most Chicago building surfaces are made from brick, limestone, precast or metal alloy. Eventually, they all need to be cleaned. Although some surfaces do get dirtier faster than others. For instance, certain brick surfaces like clay can stay great looking for 30 years. On the other hand, cement brick can get dirty within a couple years.
At the same time, certain limestone can stay clean long or get dirty quick depending on what type. Some limestone is more porous than others. Many commercial buildings use different types of metal alloys. These surfaces tend to stay clean for a great amount of time. However, we do clean our fair share of these building surfaces.
As a matter of fact, we are one of if not the most knowledgeable exterior building cleaning companies in Chicago
Please call for more information 312-361-0110. We want to hear your questions.
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Building Cleaning Continued
Equally important is the process to clean each one of these individual surfaces. We are familiar with cleaning all types of surfaces in Chicago. As we have been cleaning these surfaces for over 30 years.
With thousands of residential and commercial buildings professionally cleaned over the years.
Upon request, we can perform a demonstration on your buildings surface. In truth, we like to say. This way you know what you are paying for and we know what process it is going to take to clean your buildings surface. In other words, there is no miscommunication on the result you should expect or the price.
Types of Pollution
Above all, in order for a company to understand how to remove certain types of pollution from your buildings surface, we must first identify what types your building is effected with.
As far as air pollution goes, the main categories we see in Chicago are sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon oxides and lead. Secondly, these pollutants all mutate and cause a different type of pollution when exposed to sunlight.
In other words, this is pretty involved and you may not want to let just anyone experiment on your expensive building surface. With that in mind, call us for more information or to schedule an estimate/demonstration.
Call 312-361-0110 today.
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